Posts Tagged ‘Community Safety Act’

Bill Prohibits Arrests Based On ‘Descriptors’

May 5, 2013

Now I ask  you, how on earth are LEO’s (Law Enforcement Officer) supposed to FIND much less catch someone if they don’t know WHO they are looking for?  Some of the words you CANNOT use to describe a suspect or “perp:”

color, sex, race, ethnicity, age, religion, national origin, gender identity or expression, disability, sexual orientation, occupation,

It’s called the Community Safety Act.  How safe are you if you can’t describe the person or persons attacking and/or assaulting you for fear of retribution?

Here is the ACLU link which is supposed to stop over-zealousness in the police.  Which from my experience those are the MINORITY in a police department and are weeded out when their actions come to light and they slither back under the rock they came out of.  But to remove ALL descriptors from their lexicon…I ask you HOW are they to do their job?

New York City Council Hearing on Community Safety Act

On Wednesday, Oct. 10, the New York City Council’s Public Safety Committee will hold the first of three public hearings on the Community Safety Act – landmark civil rights legislation that will ensure that the NYPD treats all New Yorkers with courtesy, professionalism and respect.

The hearing will occur at 10 a.m. at 250 Broadway in Manhattan. This is a crucial opportunity to show Council Members that the Community Safety Act commands widespread and passionate support. If you’re angered by the NYPD’s stop-and-frisk abuses and other discriminatory tactics, then come to the hearing and voice your support for these historic reforms.